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Linux Commands Index - S

Below given are the list of Linux commands which starts with S. We have provided a breif description for each command. To know more about each command and its usage try the following.

man command-name

man sed


List of all Linux Commands Under Index - S


Index - S

sane-find-scanner (1) - find SCSI and USB scanners and their device files

scanadf (1) - acquire multiple images from a scanner equipped with an ADF

scanimage (1) - scan an image

scp (1) - secure copy (remote file copy program)

script (1) - make typescript of terminal session

sdiff (1) - find differences between two files and merge interactively

sed (1) - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
sed (1p) - stream editor
sed (rpm) - A GNU stream text editor.

sendmail (8) - an electronic mail transport agent
sendmail (rpm) - A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA).

sensors (1) - printing sensors information
sensors-detect (8) - detect hardware monitoring chips
sensors.conf [sensors] (5) - libsensors configuration file

seq (1) - print a sequence of numbers

setkeycodes (8) - load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries

setleds (1) - set the keyboard leds

setmetamode (1) - define the keyboard meta key handling

setquota (8) - set disk quotas

setsid (2) - creates a session and sets the process group ID
setsid (3p) - create session and set process group ID
setsid (8) - run a program in a new session

setterm (1) - set terminal attributes

sftp (1) - secure file transfer program
sftp-server (8) - SFTP server subsystem

sh (1p) - shell, the standard command language interpreter

sha1sum (1) - compute and check SHA1 message digest

showkey (1) - examine the codes sent by the keyboard

showmount (8) - show mount information for an NFS server

shred (1) - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it

shutdown (2) - shut down part of a full-duplex connection
shutdown (3p) - shut down socket send and receive operations
shutdown (8) - bring the system down

size (1) - list section sizes and total size

skill (1) - send a signal or report process status

slabtop (1) - display kernel slab cache information in real time

slattach (8) - attach a network interface to a serial line

sleep (1) - delay for a specified amount of time
sleep (1p) - suspend execution for an interval
sleep (3) - Sleep for the specified number of seconds
sleep (3p) - suspend execution for an interval of time

snice [skill] (1) - send a signal or report process status

sort (1) - sort lines of text files
sort (1p) - sort, merge, or sequence check text files
sort (3pm) - perl pragma to control sort() behaviour

split (1) - split a file into pieces
split (1p) - split files into pieces

ssh (1) - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh [slogin] (1) - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add (1) - adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent (1) - authentication agent
ssh-copy-id (1) - install your in a remote machine's authorized_keys
ssh-keygen (1) - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan (1) - gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign (8) - ssh helper program for hostbased authentication
ssh-add (1) - adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent (1) - authentication agent
ssh-keygen (1) - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan (1) - gather ssh public keys

sshd (8) - OpenSSH SSH daemon

stat (1) - display file or file system status
stat (2) - get file status
stat (3p) - get file status

strings (1) - print the strings of printable characters in files
strings (1p) - find printable strings in files
strings.h [strings] (0p) - string operations

strip (1) - Discard symbols from object files
strip (1p) - remove unnecessary information from executable files (DEVELOPMENT)

stty (1) - change and print terminal line settings
stty (1p) - set the options for a terminal
stty [unimplemented] (2) - unimplemented system calls

su (1) - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs

sudo (8) - execute a command as another user
sudo (rpm) - Allows restricted root access for specified users.
sudo [sudoedit] (8) - execute a command as another user

sum (1) - checksum and count the blocks in a file

swapoff [swapon] (2) - start/stop swapping to file/device
swapoff [swapon] (8) - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping

swapon (2) - start/stop swapping to file/device
swapon (8) - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping

sync (1) - flush file system buffers
sync (2) - commit buffer cache to disk
sync (3p) - schedule file system updates
sync (8) - synchronize data on disk with memory

sysctl (2) - read/write system parameters
sysctl (8) - configure kernel parameters at runtime
sysctl.conf [sysctl] (5) - sysctl(8) preload/configuration file

sysklogd (8) - Linux system logging utilities
sysklogd (rpm) - System logging and kernel message trapping daemons.


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