Networking Tutorials
About IP Address
Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address.[...]
Difference between Switch and Router
Both switch and router will connect multiple computers and allow high speed file sharing with each other. Routers are network endpoints while switches are not. Most Routers have WiFi while switches do not.[...]
Difference between LAN and WAN
LAN stands for Local Area Network and WAN stands for Wide Area Network[...]
Difference between WEP and WPA
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) are both encryption standards used in routers to prevent unauthorized usage[...]
Difference between DNS and DDNS
Both DNS and DDNS are a set of protocols comprising of TCP/IP. DNS stands for Domain Name System and DDNS stands for Dynamic Domain Name System.[...]
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