Bioinformatics Databases
Below listed are few online Bioinformatics Databases. We regularly search and add new databases in Bioinformatics.
If you come accross new database websites in bioinformatics, please let us know.
Bioinformatics Databases / Data Banks Online
List of Bioinformatics Databases / Data Banks Online
- NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information (GenBank)
- EBI - European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL)
- EMNEW - Index of New EMBL Nucleotides ( EBI)
- DDBJ - DNA Data Bank of Japan
List of Protein Sequence Data Banks
- SWISS-PROT - Protein sequence database
- PIR - Protein Information Resource
- MIPS - Munich Information centre for Protein Sequences
Related posts:
- Introduction to Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics Databases
- Bioinformatics Tools
- Sequence Analysis
- SeqAnalyser Free Software
- Perl Script to find Motifs
- Perl Script to mutate a DNA Sequence
- Perl Script to find the Reverse Complement of a DNA Sequence
- Perl Script to count the number of amino acids
- Perl Script to Convert DNA to Protein
- Perl Script to Convert DNA to RNA
- Perl Script to Calculate Frequency of Nucleotide
- Perl Script to Convert RNA to DNA
- Bioinformatics Script Library
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