What is Jenkins?
Jenkins is an open-source automation platform that allows you to Build, Test and Deploy software using pipelines.
- It helps software teams facilitate Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment / Delivery.
- Jenkins is highly extensible
- There are hundreds of plugins
Why do we need Jenkins?
- Developers making code changes in parallel want to make sure that their changes integrate without errors.
- Developers also want their changes built and tested in a standardised environment.
Jenkins Installation Methods
- Run from a WAR (Web Application Resource) file
- Run as a Docker container
- Install on Windows
- Install on MacOS
- Install on Linux
Jenkins Infrastructure
- Master server
- Controls Pipelines
- Schedules Builds
- Agents
- Perform the build
Agent Types
- Permanent agent
- Dedicated Servers for Running Jobs
- Java and SSH installed (passwordless authentication)
- Also install any build tools needed
- Cloud Agents
- Ephemeral / Dynamic Agent spun up on demand
- Example: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS
Build Types
- Freestyle Build
- Simple and easy to run
- Similar to shell scripting
- Pipeline
- Use Groovy syntax
- Run in stages
Jenkins folder location
GitHub and Jenkins Integration Benefits
- Ability to clone a codebase down to the local jenkins workspace
- GitHub pushes new changes
- Jenkins can perform GitHub operations
- Build result published to GitHub Pull
- Requests and Commits
Integration Prerequisite
- GitHub must be able to send data to Jenkins
- Jenkins must have a public IP
- Except for on-premise GitHub instance