What is Jenkins? Jenkins is an open-source automation platform that allows you to Build, Test and Deploy software using pipelines. Why do we need Jenkins? Jenkins Installation Methods Jenkins Infrastructure… Read More... "Jenkins"
Hard Link and Soft Link in Linux
Hard Link is a mirror copy of the original file. Hard links share the same inode.Any changes made to the original or Hard linked file will reflect the other.Even if… Read More... "Hard Link and Soft Link in Linux"
Add or Remove IP From an Interface Using the ip Command
Show all IP address associated with the interface Add an IP to an interface Delete an IP from an interface Clear the interface Read More... "Add or Remove IP From an Interface Using the ip Command"
phpipam cron job
Exec into the phpipam docker container Add the cron jon Run the cron job in the background Check the running process Read More... "phpipam cron job"
Docker Vs Virtual Machine
# Both Docker and Virtual Machine address Virtualization. A process where software is used to create an abstraction layer. What is Docker: The main components of Docker: Use case of… Read More... "Docker Vs Virtual Machine"
Docker Commands
# List all the available docker images # Pull the ubuntu docker image # History of the docker image (list of all commands that was run to build the image)… Read More... "Docker Commands"
Change a personal folder location in Windows
If you are unable to change the personal folder in Windows, such as Documents or Downloads that is mapped another folder or OneDrive folder, follow the below steps to fix… Read More... "Change a personal folder location in Windows"
How to find the User Base and Group Base DN information when using LDAP
Option 1: dsquery utility Search Users by name Search Group by name Option 2: Active Directory Users and Computers By default, most of users are created in the default container “Users”.… Read More... "How to find the User Base and Group Base DN information when using LDAP"
Formatting and Mounting Storage
# List Block storage lsblk # List Block storage (more details) sudo fdisk -l # List all mounted volumes mount # To create / delete partition (disk utility) sudo fdisk… Read More... "Formatting and Mounting Storage"
How to find the Windows 10/11 Startup Folder location
Some apps have a ‘Run at startup’ option in their settings which makes it easy to add them to the startup items list. Apps that do not have this option… Read More... "How to find the Windows 10/11 Startup Folder location"