Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet Standard protocol used for managing and monitoring network-connected devices in IP networks. It operates within the application layer of the Internet protocol suite and allows network administrators to manage network performance, detect network faults, and configure remote devices.
Open the printer setting and check if SNMP is enabled. In normal situation the printer will be using SNMP V1 with default community name “Public”. This can be a security issue. The build-in or default accounts and password are not PCI compliant. CVE-1999-0517. An Attacker may use this information to gain more knowledge about the remote host or change the configuration of the remote system.

To update the default community name on the printer, change the name from public to any name of your choice. Once done, open the printer management if is a network printer.

Right click on the printer and select properties. Go to the Ports tab and click on Configure Ports.

In the configure standard TCP/IP Port monitor window update the SNMP community name.

Now, test the printer by printing a test page. You are done !